Shidco Multifunctional Folding Chair (Arad)
In today’s society, space scarcity is a common issue. To address this challenge, Shidco has designed a practical, durable, and comfortable folding chair tailored to the diverse needs of various segments of society. This product occupies minimal space while meeting a wide range of your requirements.
Standard Design
Shidco folding chair is designed according to human ergonomics and complies with global standards, making it the best choice for those who wish to relax after long hours of work. The backrest and seat are made of compressed and flexible plastic that does not exert pressure on the back.
Suitable for Long Periods of Sitting
Flexible and soft materials are used in the seat and backrest, with a 110-degree angle between the backrest and the seat, considering three gentle curves for the lower back, seat, and behind the knees. The overall sturdiness of the chair’s structure provides an ideal combination for prolonged sitting, preventing fatigue and discomfort. Due to their comfort, Shidco folding chairs are also suitable for use as reading chairs.